
Just released a new wordpress theme :  Spirulina theme Designed to be a healthy, clean theme, with a green and vegetal touch. Feel free to comment or ask alink to download the theme. This website – theme, content, client database – is for sale.

Spirulina theme

A little javascript class to handle geolocation in a web browser https://github.com/FabFab/GPS-in-your-browser How it works : GPS.get(); [...] var latitude = GPS.position.latitude; var longitude = GPS.position.longitude; or with a callback: GPS.get(updatePosition); function updatePosition() { var latitude = GPS.position.latitude; var longitude = GPS.position.longitude; [...] } More about Geolocation in web browsers: […]

GPS Geolocation in web browser class in Javascript

So here we are. After two years with adding four lines per week end and removing three the next one, my mighty Google Maps Radar. The pitch: this Javascript library adds a Radar screen, like in the movie with submarines or boats, or with whatever evil machines that are quite […]

Google Maps Radar

Date: 2011 Technologies: WordPress, PHP5, CSS3, HTML5, Javascript Details: Website for INSA’s Toulouse Ô Talents Association, to promote equality of chances for students with different backgrounds. URL: http://otalents-insat.org/

Association Ô Talents

Date: 2010 Technologies: WordPress, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Scriptaculous Details: Realised during my spare time, this is the Compagnie Horizons-Croisés’ official website, to promote their juggling perfomances and shows. URL: http://www.horizonscroises.org

Compagnie Horizons Croisés

Date: 2009 Technologies: Symfony Framework, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Scriptaculous and Prototype Details: Realised during my internship in IBM Stockholm, it’s a fully working online platform providing registration system and online business game management system. URL: http://www.ibmclub.se/junior/

IBM Junior@Blue

Date: 2008-2009 Technologies: CSS, PHP5, HTML Details: New version of the Students’ Newspaper website. Cleaning a bit the code with librairies and creating a new CSS for the front. URL: http://www.etud.insa-toulouse.fr/~contact/

Contact V2