Best Student Recognition Event 2009 #1

For my contribution to Junior@Blue Project, I was invited to the Best Student Recognition Event 2009 taking place at Krakow, Poland from the 1st to 3rd July 2009 and organised by IBM. I was representing IBM Sweden and my school, INSA Toulouse from France.

During these 3 amazing days, with students from all Europe, Middle East and Africa, we had a really full time table…

First and of course, we attended several conferences on various trendy topics such as cloud computing, energy efficient supercomputers or how to contribute to a smarter planet for example, all presented by experts from IBM. We were presented the last innovations and the future of technologies and business through speakers examples and experiences. It was very interesting, at different levels like the contents,presentation styles and remarks from the students. I was also very nice to be able to share and contribute to such interesting topics with people with different backgrounds: business, finance, economic and IT.

We visited IBM Labs in Krakow and met development teams working there (even French people among them, you can spot them 30 000 km away, thanks to “ze bioutiful frènche accente” ). Really nice to play baby foot with software engineers! The working environment is really comfortable and you have a good feeling when you are there.

Then, we tasted a bit of the Polish culture. We went to a very good and typical Polish restaurant (traditional clothes and food…) and visit the Wieliczka Salt Mine where “you can lick everything to check that’s really in salt, except of the guide”. During the evenings and nights we even had some time to feel the Polish atmosphere in Krakow centre, where the streets are still full at 11PM and where the beer is nice and cheap.

To sum up, it was a really nice experience with very interesting people, in the historic city of Krakow, where everything was perfectly organised.

Come back soon for more details and some photo galleries links!

EDIT : Yes, that is called a cliché article :)

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About Fab

Solutions Architect, I build great workflows for the news and media production industries. I play with data too.

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