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Last big tech conference I attended was Tokyo Tech in Asia in 2015, more than one year ago, so I was really excited to attend the Web Summit 2016 in Lisbon.   It has been globally a nice event, but wait, I still think it could be improved. I found in […]

My 0.02€ on the Web Summit 2016

Here we go again. Product Hunt meetup in Tokyo, volume 2. We were hosted in Dots, a new event space in Tokyo, for this night on September 4th, 2015. The space is huge, dedicated to engineers (previous night was github meetup). Two amazing guest speakers, Eli Lyons, CTO at Bisu […]

Tokyo Product Hunt meetup #2

I’ve been interested in Product Hunt since they launched. A well crafted concept, active community and beautiful products. One morning arriving to the office I saw that Ryan Hoover was looking for people willing to organize local meetups. That would be awesome in Tokyo! Want to host a @ProductHunt meetup […]

Organizing Tokyo Product Hunt meetup #1

Since I have been living in Japan and working in the startup community with creww, I have been attending quite a lot of events and meetups. Be it conference, startup pitches or networking events, Tokyo is alive! But last April, I was at Slush Asia, and I really wanted to write about it because […]

Slush Asia 2015 review

I have recently booked an airplane ticket on Normal online booking procedure, nothing exciting as usual, but then, in the end of the process I am forced to check my identity using a code that I would receive on a mobile phone, in order to complete the transaction. This […]

Dear 3D Secure SMS security

Just finished another project in my 2012 projects marathon. It’s an online map coordinates converter and you can find it there When I was working on map coordinates in apps some years ago for a famous french company, I always wanted a tool to quickly check how wrong I was […]

Awesome Online map coordinates Converter

I have been working on this  Google Maps Radar project for more than two years. I consider I have finished  it only tonight… If you take a look at it, it doesn’t seem very complicated. It’s not. But why did it take more than two years? Lessons learned: Do not start […]

About Google Maps Radar finished

Auto entreprise, suite et fin. Ou comment arrêter un massacre administratif inutile. J’ai fermé il y a plusieurs mois mon auto entreprise avec grande joie. J’avais créé mon auto entreprise parce que mes besoins professionnels étaient les suivants : Pouvoir encaisser légalement le fruit de mon travail et de mes […]

Auto entreprise suite et fin

Je ne sais pas si c’est juste moi ou la population entière, mais j’ai un problème avec l’administratif. J’ai rempli les formalités au mois de juillet 2010 pour créer ma micro entreprise. Mon but initial était de pouvoir vendre des produits achetés sur internet dans la région où je réside, […]

Galère de l’auto entreprise

I created my own company ! By the end of November, I will be available to work freelance for you, all around the world ! Hire me, get a professional web Engineer for your online projects. Get the French touch ! Don’t hesitate to contact me to tell me about your […]

I am an entrepreneur now.