About Google Maps Radar finished

I have been working on this  Google Maps Radar project for more than two years.

I consider I have finished  it only tonight… If you take a look at it, it doesn’t seem very complicated. It’s not. But why did it take more than two years?

Lessons learned:

  • Do not start a stupid project like this for fun if you don’t intend to finish it in the week.
  • Don’t lose your original plan while moving. Scan the paper, host the picture somewhere on the web. Or use softwares. (But I prefer paper ^^)
  • Stick to your naming conventions. Lazyness + lack of rigor in writing (+ influence of multiple teams conventions on other projects?) -> bad code -> awful to read +  stupid bugs -> don’t want to finish.
  • Thinking about sharing is motivating. Thanks GitHub!
  • Javascript using prototyping classes is awesome.  Frameworks such as jQuery are nice but sometimes coming back to the roots can be also instructive and fun.

Voila, see you for the next project in less than two years!

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About Fab

Solutions Architect, I build great workflows for the news and media production industries. I play with data too.

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