Organizing Tokyo Product Hunt meetup #1

I’ve been interested in Product Hunt since they launched. A well crafted concept, active community and beautiful products.

One morning arriving to the office I saw that Ryan Hoover was looking for people willing to organize local meetups. That would be awesome in Tokyo!

Filled the form, created an event page, booked a room in less than an hour.

Got in touch, and here we go.

Ok, now, what? We needed guests, speakers and we had less than one month. But where to start, what to do?

While joining Product Hunt global community (contact me if you want invites), Solon Angel greeted me and took time to coach me quickly via Skype.

The ideal situation for this first official event in Tokyo would be to find guest speakers who submitted to Product Hunt to talk about their products and communication strategies, get pizza and beer and have more or less free space to mingle.

I reached to Sacha Greif with who we ‘ve met years ago at Hacker News meetup in Tokyo, and Jun Loyza from Bunny Inc. contacted us as they were launching a their new service. The power of the tweets.

To gather people, we relied on social media, twitter particularly. We got a little boost from Doorkeeper as featured event.

The event took place on Friday, June 26th, 2015 at Bascule Inc., with a cheerful crowd of Product Hunters and very interesting presentations by the two skilled guests.

You can check the full photo gallery there.

If I have time one day, I’ll release the video footage from Sacha and Jun about strategies and growth hacks to reach the top ranks in Product Hunt when promoting a new product.

You can join Tokyo Product Hunt community on Doorkeeper, if you want to get updates about the upcoming events.

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About Fab

Solutions Architect, I build great workflows for the news and media production industries. I play with data too.

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