CoWorking.Coffee: pause 11

CoWorking Coffee

We are currently thinking if it is worth continuing the adventure.

If you feel that you are missing this website, please leave a comment.

Thank you,

Fabien for the team CoWorking.Coffee

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About Fab

Solutions Architect, I build great workflows for the news and media production industries. I play with data too.

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11 thoughts on “CoWorking.Coffee: pause

  • thecorpwork

    Hi, Hello.

    Hope you are doing Great, between I am missing this site/page, “CoWorking.Coffee”
    I would recommend you to continue your journey. we will be a part in your adventure.

    Thank You.

  • Mamie

    It was in the « not updated anymore » list in my rss reader, but still in it :-)
    I do not have any idea on what is CoWorking.Coffee, I’m just here to sometime read news about you.

    Have fun !

  • Sehaj Sahni

    Dear team,

    I am Sehaj from Indian Youth Cafe. Please get in touch with us as we have something to help you revive for younger workforce hyperlocally.

    We are based in Chennai and currently creating world s biggest verified network of spaces for youth and need your support and a will to work together with us. ❤

    Sehaj Sahni

  • Fab Post author

    YEAAAAAAAH Mamie!!! Super happy that you are still around!
    Contacting you by email soon!

  • Fab Post author

    Hello Sehaj,
    Thank you for your kind words.
    Let me come back to you when we are ready.

  • Emilie C

    Hey there,
    I came across you in an old Forbes article. I’m heading to Marrakech for a bit and looking for good cafes in which to work. I know Marrakech is prob a bit off the beaten path for most remote workers, but adding a comment that your service would have added value if it covered that city. Thx!

  • Fab Post author

    Hey Emilie,
    Thank you for your message. I reply to this a bit late but if you are still around Marrakesh and in need, please let me know, I think we had several friendly coworking spaces there.
    Have safe travels!

  • Ahu Yurtoğlu

    As CoBodrum – a new coworking area in Bodrum/Turkey, we’d like to be in contact with you, if you continue the adventure. Hope you do!
    All The Best!