The beloved Tokyo Startup Events ( has reached its end of life on 2021-06-04. Once the epic calendar to find all the good events related to startups and tech in Tokyo and surroundings, now resting lost in foreign git repositories among its peers.
It had served well its simple purpose, being reliable and present every time we needed him. Fast, straight to the point, colorful and free will be what people will remember.
Newer technologies, fancier tools and alive communities had risen around this same goal of gathering interesting people and Tokyo Startup Events slowly started to fade in the abyss of deprecated libraries. The cost of maintenance had became to heavy for its little soul and numerous of its API integration had already given up.
Please join me in a last ovation for a website of great purpose, elegant design and impeccable code that I was very privileged and proud to call my creation.
Tokyo Startup Events 2015-2021, may you rest in peace my friend.
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