Book Review

I review books for fun

D’Alain Damasio (2004) Ce bouquin m’avait été recommandé en 2011 par mon cher ami Wildchoc, alors que nous étions deux nouveaux emigrants français fraichement débarqués à Tokyo, et à ce moment précis en train de descendre des bières dans l’izakaia Alps de Shinjuku. Il y avait de la fumée de […]

La Horde du Contrevent : review

For Whom the Bells Tolls
This is the kind of master piece I have been expecting all along, and after so many of Hemingway’s books I can finally say: yeah, this is it, this is great Literature, this man deserves all the fame. For Whom the Bells Tolls is set during the Spanish Civil War […]

For Whom the Bells Tolls: review

De Louise Michel Voici un des livres les plus difficiles que je n’ai jamais lu. D’abord, l’évident, le style de l’époque. Le vieux Français qui complique la lecture et qui fait buter sur les mots. Des longues phrases, des descriptions avec des mots oubliés, de la géographie précise de Paris […]

La Commune : review

Une revue en français pour changer. De toute façon, plus de 900 pages pour ma version, est ce que ce livre sera un jour traduit en Anglais ? Au Printemps des Monstres est un livre roman/documentaire/enquête à la cold case/autobiographique dans lequel Philippe Jaenada raconte et retranscrit ses recherches sur […]

Au Printemps des Monstres : review

Resuming my Hemingway cycle after a few other books, which I won’t review here, I decided to pick up the next book from my bookshelf : a Moveable Feast. In this book, Hem shares his life in Paris in the 1920’s, working on his writing after quitting journalism, being all […]

A Moveable Feast: review

Since I first witnessed the bloody brilliance of the plot of the Handmaid’s Tale, I wanted to read something from Margaret Atwood. I randomly found the Tent while visiting one of the coolest book shops in London. The Tent is a collection of short stories, essay, poems, tales, concepts by […]

The Tent: review

I have embarked om a Hemingway book cycle. In most of the authors and literature content I follow, Hemingway often appears as a source, model, inspiration for minimalist writing and creating stunning images in a few words. So, in the near future, there might be more Hemingway book reviews here, […]

The Old Man and the Sea: review

Ubik takes place in a hellish future with too many things-as-a-service, in which people with special mental abilities (inertial/anti psi) are fighting against other less nice people with different mental abilities (psi) who try to manipulate regular people. Telepathic stalking, most of the time. Joe Chip, one of the regular […]

Ubik: review

Last September, looking for something new, I bought a copy of Popshot Quarterly. It is a nicely illustrated magazine with short stories, flash fictions (I still doesn’t quite grasp the difference with short stories) and poetry. Some quick words about The Haunting issue, Autumn 2022. At first I thought it […]

Popshot Quarterly: review

Sur un ton un peu moins corporate que d’habitude, voici une première revue littéraire en français, et peut-être pas la dernière. C’est Eki-Libre qui ouvre le bal. Attention, en tant que fan boy, il y a parti pris. Eki-Libre a été écrit par Kriss, YouTuber français vétéran en questionnement permanent. […]

Eki-Libre: review